Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Goo Goo Gaga

Hi Daddy!  Hi Daddy! Today I just finished dinner.  Earlier today I played a video game on Maddy's phone.  Jude was trying to hit all the kids on the swings.  I've been good so far.  I can't wait til I get Lego guys.  Today we got a Spiderman thing from Riley's old bedroom.  I have a mosquito bite on my leg.  I'm a very thirsty boy.  The weather is hot over here.  I hope it's not too hot for you.  Have a good day.  Goodbye.  Have fun!  Goodbye!

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Mushy, Crazy Day in Gobble

I have been really good every day and every night since yet. (Note to readers: Daddy left yesterday afternoon.)  Today it's raining here.  Right now I'm eating lunch.  I'm eating grilled cheese, broccoli, carrots and plums.  And cauliflower.  I can't wait to go to Kid Snips.   Aidan went to nap.  Brendan and Liam were just making spy cards.  We're having water to drink.  I like grilled cheese.  Oh right, everyone knows that.  What does blog mean? I can't wait to go to Florida.  We're just gong to have an awesome time in Florida.  After I eat my grilled cheese, I pull off the bits of cheese that I didn't get and eat them up.  Right now, I am eating my plum.  I'm almost done.  There's sure some cheese right here.  Dlllaaaah.  I love Mom and Dad.  (And Aidan and LiLi, Bren-bren.)  I'm almost done.  That's the end.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I hope we're good enough so Daddy can bring us a toy home.  That's the end of my blog.  Iidee heidee quidee mydee dyedee that's all.

Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm Big Bu Bu Bu Bu

Isn't Aidan cute?  choo-choo-choo-choo.  I went to the Rock Star Dance Party.  I got a guitar necklace that lights up.  I like the Summer.  I like rainbows.  Sparkly rainbows.  Wheels.  Wheel wheel coleal. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today is a snowy day. I am an alligator.  I croc all the time.  I eat anything and I especially like to eat pants.  There's nothing I can do.    I eat the pictures every day.  bu-bu-bu.